
The createToast function accepts 2 arguments:

  • First argument:

    • It can be just a string or a object like this: { title: 'some title', description: 'some good description'}. By the way, description now accepts html, for more customization, we recommand trying out the custom component approach
    • It can also accept a Vue 3 component or a VNode if you need more customization, e.g.
      // without props
      import { createToast } from 'mosha-vue-toastify';
      import CustomizedContent from "./CustomizedContent.vue";
      import 'mosha-vue-toastify/dist/style.css';
      export default defineComponent({
        setup () {
          const toast = () => {
          return { toast }
      // with props
      import { createToast, withProps } from 'mosha-vue-toastify';
      import CustomizedContent from "./CustomizedContent.vue";
      import 'mosha-vue-toastify/dist/style.css';
      export default defineComponent({
        setup () {
          const toast = () => {
              createToast(withProps(CustomizedContent, { yourFavProp: 'bruh' }))
          return { toast }
  • Second argument: the second argument is an options object.

    type'info', 'danger', 'warning', 'success', 'default''default'Give the toast different styles and icons.
    timeoutnumber5000How many ms you want the toggle to close itself?
    position'top-left', 'top-right', 'bottom-left', 'bottom-right', 'top-center', 'bottom-center''top-right'Where do you want the toast to appear?
    showCloseButtonbooleantrueDo you wanna show the close button ?
    showIconbooleanfalseDo you wanna show the icon ?
    transition'bounce', 'zoom', 'slide''bounce'Which animation do you want?
    hideProgressBarbooleanfalseDo we wanna hide the fancy progress bar?
    swipeClosebooleantrueAllows the user swipe close the toast
    toastBackgroundColorstringdefault colorCustomize the background color of the toast.
    onClosefunctionN/AThis function will be called at the end of the toast's lifecycle
  • Programatically closing The createToast function returns an object that contains a close funtion that allows the user to programatically dismiss the toast. See below:

        import { createToast } from 'mosha-vue-toastify';
        import CustomizedContent from "./CustomizedContent.vue";
        import 'mosha-vue-toastify/dist/style.css';
        export default defineComponent({
          setup () {
            const toast = () => {
                // This close function can be used to close the toast
                const { close } = createToast(CustomizedContent)
                // close()
            return { toast }

    To clear all the toasts, use the clearToasts function. See below

        import { createToast, clearToasts } from 'mosha-vue-toastify';
        import CustomizedContent from "./CustomizedContent.vue";
        import 'mosha-vue-toastify/dist/style.css';
        export default defineComponent({
          setup () {
            const clear = () => {
              // clears all the toasts
            return { clear }